It all started...

Well, I am not exactly sure when our fascination with the English Bulldog began. I do know that it was in 2009 when we made the decision, which was really a committment, to purchase an English Bulldog.   We researched and researched wanting to find a puppy from a good line. After lots of research and looking at several litters, we finally found what we were looking for.  So, we purchased our first English Bulldog and named her Bailey.  She was a daughter of  Grand Champion Johnson Hurricane Ivan.


Since then we have continued to grow more and more fond of the English Bulldog .  We have also cotinued to learn more and more.  We enjoy talking with others who work with the breed.  In fact, we are extremely grateful to those who patiently answered our questions and chuckeled with us over the funny stories that tend to be associated with this breed.


We have all seen that bulldog on the billboard or magazine advertisement and it caused us to smile.  Maybe you elbowed someone close to you and said, "check out that bully," and then you both laughed. There is no doubt about it bulldogs can make you smile.  Why else are they used in movies and advertising?  But, here's the thing. Not all bulldogs exhibit these desired traits.  You might be wondering, "Isn't a bulldog a bulldog?"  No.  Not all bulldogs are created equal.  Some do not cause smiles.  Our goal is to raise quality bulldogs that exhibit the desired traits--the kind that make you smile.  As we study our lines, we are always looking to improve them.  Hopefully, you can partner with us on our jouney.  


What are the desired traits?  Here's a quick overview:  A deep and broad chest, a broad flat head, a broad nose set deep between the eyes, rose ears, a lower jaw that is undershot and turned up, and arched over the loins.  If you want more detail about the bulldog standard, click on this link.  


This is the proud girl who started it all.  

See, it is the bulldog that makes you smile, right?

We live on a 3 acre plot in the country. There are seven of us in our family.  So raising bulldogs is a project the entire family is involved in.  Aside from the English Bulldogs, we have some chickens and a couple goats.  Our chickens often spend time ranging freely.  Of course this provides a few smiles when Bilbo or Bailey decide to chase one of them down.  Even though we have tried to teach them not to do this there are times when the temptation is more than they can resist.  They run and run but those chickens have the ability to turn and dart quickly out of the way, until recently.  Bilbo finally figured out how to coner a chick so that it cannot get a way.  He puts a paw on them and then stands panting over them as if to say, "gotcha this time!"